Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/23

WWDC23 edition of weekend good reads is here. Surely, there are still sessions you want to watch or re-watch, but there are already great articles that go well with WWDC content.

And... Apple Treats team reviews WWDC23 announcements in next episode – Spatial Computing! on June 14, 2023 at 9:00am PDT. Join us with your thoughts and impressions! See you on the live stream and come back next week for more great articles!


Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/21

We're almost there for WWDC23. Just a little bit over a week. And we've got good collection of articles for this long weekend.

And while you're still here, we'd like to invite you to our pre-WWDC Apple Treats episode – join us live on May 30 at 9:00am PDT. See you there! :)


Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/19

Sun is back here in Bay Area, weekend is probably going to be quite hot. And we've a lot to read – even couple of not-so-technical articles. Let's dive in.

Hope you have time to read these great articles and we'll meet again next Friday!

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/17

It's the end of April, we are getting closer and closer to WWDC, June will definitely be filled with a lot of process. So, let's catch up with all prior-to-conference good reads.

And that is it for today. Have a great weekend, go through interesting articles and come back next week!

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/16

Summer closer and closer here in California. Days become longer, so there is slightly more time to spend reading interesting articles.

This is it for today. Have a great weekend and come back next week for new pack of awesome reads!

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/10

It's rainy here in California (which is unusual...) and our weekend is perfect to spend some time reading technical articles. Let's go.

And one more thing. Apple Treats podcast is back with new episode. Our guest is Natalia Panferova whose articles you've already read.


Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/9

Spring is coming, and we're continuing our tradition of weekend reads. Let's see what we've got for this week.

And that is it for today. Have some rest and get back next week.

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/8

It's winter here in Bay Area today (it even snows somewhere here), so let's grab some warm beverage and get going.

Let's finish with interesting video on design process by David Smith.

Design process by David Smith

And that is it for today. See you next week!

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/3

Tough week for IT engineers, but let's try to spend weekend improving our technical skills. There are many articles to go through today, so choose wisely.

That is it for today. Have a great weekend and come back next Friday for another pack of great reads!

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