Beta 3 for iOS 16.4 and other platforms is available, addresses developer account questions

Apple publishes beta 3 for iOS/iPadOS 16.4, macOS Ventura 13.3, watchOS 9.4 and tvOS 16.4. No corresponding Xcode beta is published.

Apple now addresses question raised by developers on how to use developer Apple ID to get beta on the device. Users could pick separate Apple ID to install beta software on the device.

Apple also now warns users that Rapid Security Response might be incompatible with some applications.

Researches also noticed that future Car Key implementations could solely rely on UWB and drop support for NFC.

watchOS 9.4 beta addresses issue on Apple Watch Series 6 (44mm model) incorrectly estimating total battery capacity.

Beta download: Operating Systems

Release notes:


Second Rapid Security Response is issues for iOS 16.4 and macOS 13.3 beta

Apple continues to test Rapid Security Response mechanism on iOS and macOS.

As in previous case, there are no details on actual content of this update. Most likely, this update is just a test for the delivery system itself.

Reference: Apple Releases Second Rapid Security Response Updates for iOS 16.4 and macOS 13.3 Ventura Beta Users

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/9

Spring is coming, and we're continuing our tradition of weekend reads. Let's see what we've got for this week.

And that is it for today. Have some rest and get back next week.

Apple restricts generative AI app age rating to 17+

Apple requires BlueMail app developers to set its rating to 17+ due to use of generative AI models which potentially could provide responses not suitable for children.

This rule could be then extended to all apps working with generative models, especially GPT models which are getting traction recently.


Apple introduces peer group benchmarks analytics

Developers now could compare their app performance with similar apps on App Store. App Store Connect is updated to provide these metrics.

Similar apps are determined by category, business model, and number of downloads.

Metrics include conversion rate, retention rate on various durations, crash rate, and app proceedings.

Apple Developer:


Second beta for iOS 16.4 and other platforms is published

Apple shares beta 2 for iOS/iPadOS 16.4, macOS Ventura 13.3, watchOS 9.4 and tvOS 16.4. Xcode 13.4 beta 2 is also available.

No significant updates reported for this round of beta versions.

Beta download: Operating Systems

Release notes:

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2023/8

It's winter here in Bay Area today (it even snows somewhere here), so let's grab some warm beverage and get going.

Let's finish with interesting video on design process by David Smith.
Design process by David Smith

And that is it for today. See you next week!

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