TikTok app caught showing users links to buy digital coins around the in-app purchase mechanism

It seems that TikTok is trying to follow Fortnite approach on avoiding App Store fees for in-app purchases using similar tactics – showing page navigating users to web site with ability to buy digital coins without paying commission to Apple.


Apple did not comment on the issue yet. App is still available for download via App Store.


EU commission designates iPadOS as a ‘gatekeeper’ too

EU commission decided to designate iPadOS as 'gatekeeper' according to Digital Millennium Act. Despite not passing the thresholds required for designation, commission decided that iPadOS has significant business impact and therefore should be considered as gatekeeper.

On 5 September 2023, the Commission designated Apple as a gatekeeper for its operating system iOS, its browser Safari and its App Store. On the same day, the Commission opened a market investigation to assess whether Apple’s iPadOS, despite not meeting the quantitative thresholds laid down in the DMA, constitutes an important gateway for business users to reach end users and therefore should be designated as a gatekeeper.

European Commission, per John Gruber

Apple now has 6 months to comply and implement required changes for iPadOS platform. This might result in default browser settings and non-WebKit browsers support, third-party app marketplaces, web app distribution and additional access to platform features.

Apple did not comment on this ruling yet.

Epic Games now planning to revive Fortnite for iPad in EU.

European Commission: Commission designates Apple's iPadOS under the Digital Markets Act

References and further reading:

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2024/17

Another round of great articles for Apple developers is here.

And finishing up with great video by David Smith – An Inclusive Mindset.


This is it for today. Come back next time for more great topics!

Apple launches ‘Made for Business’ sessions in select Apple Stores

Apple launches new series of sessions 'Made for Business' in participating Apple Stores. Sessions focus on use of Apple hardware in business environments focusing on small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Kicking off during National Small Business Week in the U.S., Today at Apple will offer six “Made for Business” sessions throughout May in Chicago, Miami, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., with ongoing programming in select stores around the world throughout the year. Led by small business owners with diverse and unique stories, the sessions will highlight how Apple products and services have powered their businesses’ success.

Apple Newsroom

Apple Newsroom: Apple launches “Made for Business” in select stores around the world