Android last week news (in a minute)

Kotlin 1.6.20 Released
Kotlin 1.6.20 has officially been released. It offers previews of future language features, makes the hierarchical structure the default for multiplatform projects, and brings performance improvements for the JVM, JS, and Native platforms.

Google is going to hide outdated apps in Play Store
Google will begin to hide outdated apps on the Play Store this year in the name of security. Users will still have access to the apps if they have used them previously.

Google is going to hide outdated apps from new users on the Play Store

Google will begin to hide outdated apps on the Play Store this year in the name of security. Users will still have access to the apps if they have used them previously. Here is the main explanation from Google

Starting on November 1, 2022, existing apps that don’t target an API level within two years of the latest major Android release version will not be available for discovery or installation for new users with devices running Android OS versions higher than apps’ target API level.


Android last week news (in a minute)

Play Protect can now remove permissions of unused apps on Android 10 and older devices

Google Play Protect can now remove the permissions of unused apps, a safety & privacy feature of Android 11 now available for older phones and tablets.


The April Google Play system updates

The April Google Play system updates for Android phones will bring new Play Pass and Play Points features, ways to discover apps, and more.


Compose with Markdown in Google Docs on web

Google Docs users can use the Markdown syntax when creating documents. It is certainly a great help for people familiar with this markup language, which will allow them to significantly speed up their work with the text.


Samsung and Xiaomi are slowing down your phones

Both companies are using 'temperature control strategies' but we can also see that this 'optimization' does not affect benchmark type of apps to provide the best values in tests.


Weekend good reads for Android developers, issue #27 (11/2022)

It’s Friday, it’s time for a new pack of articles to go over the weekend.

Dagger + Anvil: Learning to Love Dependency Injection on Android

"Setting up and using dependency injection can be intimidating. However, with the right set of tools and setup, they can be a joy to use and give you more time and freedom back to focus on building amazing products." - this is for sure the best summary for this article.

Components and Scoping in Hilt

Creating components and determining the lifecycle of individual dependencies is much easier to do in Hilt, lets's check how to do this in this article.

Play Time with Jetpack Compose

The user interface of the Google Play application has been rewritten to Jetpack Compose, more about it you can find in this article.

StandardTestDispatcher vs UnconfinedTestDispatcher

The new version of the Coroutines-Test 1.6.0 library brought some new functionalities, the principle of which is slightly different than the one we were used in previous variants. Using the new changes, sooner or later we will face the dilemma of choosing the right TestDispatcher, so it is good to review this article.

Effective Kotlin Item 35: Consider defining a DSL for complex object creation

Another great article form Marcin Moskala.

That’s all from us, be safe!