Apple shifts deadlines for group events in-app purchase and account deletion requirements til June 30

Apple decided to move deadlines for account deletion rule and use of in-app purchases for online group events to June 30, 2020.

Account deletion rule would require apps which have sign up functionality to also provide account deletion within the application itself.

App Store Review Guideline 5.1.1 provides people with greater control over their personal data by stating that all apps that allow for account creation must also allow users to initiate deletion of their account from within the app. This requirement was set to apply to all app submissions by January 31, 2022. Due to the complexity of implementing this requirement, we’ve extended the deadline to June 30, 2022 to give you more time.

Apple Developer

As regards to use of in-app purchases for online group events, Apple decides to shift this requirement due to recent resurgence of COVID, which makes online events more important.

Apple Developer: