Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2024/9

First day March brings us a lot of great reads.

And there is a good talk on optimization for size – SwiftConf 2023 – Bruno Rocha: Keeping Swift Apps Small: Why and How.


And now – that is it for today. Come back next Friday for more great articles.

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2024/8

Weekend is here and we've got a lot to go through this time.

And with that, have a great weekend and come back next Friday with even more interesting reads!

Swift team joins Summer of Code 2024

Swift team announced that it joins Google Summer of Code 2024.

If you are eligible, and would like to contribute to Swift during this year’s GSoC, these are the steps to take:

  1. Check out the existing project ideas page.
  2. If a project excites you, proceed to the GSoC category on the Swift forums to discuss the project.
  3. Once you are confident in your understanding of the project and how to approach it, write an official proposal and submit it to the GSoC website.
Swift Blog

Swift Blog: Swift joins Google Summer of Code 2024

Swift team announces ML research project

Swift team announces MLX Swift – framework that brings MLX capabilities to Swift.

MLX has several important features for machine learning research that few if any existing Swift libraries support. These include:

  • Native support for hardware acceleration. MLX can run compute intensive operations on the CPU or GPU.
  • Automatic differentiation for training neural networks and the gradient-based machine learning models

The documentation contains a few more complete examples to help you get started with MLX Swift:

  • Text generation with an LLM: A complete LLM text generation example with Mistral 7B. The example will generate text using any Mistral or Llama-style model including pre-quantized MLX models, many of which are available on Hugging Face.
  • Training an MLP on MNIST: The example trains a simple multi-layer perceptron to classify MNIST digits using the MLX Swift neural network and optimizers packages.
Swift Blog

GitHub: mlx-swift

Swift Blog: On-device ML research with MLX and Swift

Reference: Apple Silicon gets massive AI training speed boost with this new project

Swift team reflects on Summer of Code 2023 results

Swift team goes through Summer of Code 2023 achievements. There were three streams:

  • Swift Memcache Library
  • Incremental Parsing in SwiftParser
  • Key Path Inference and Diagnostic Improvements

Blog post goes through results on each of these streams and participants' impressions.

Google Summer of Code

Swift Blog: Swift Summer of Code 2023 Summary

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2024/7

Yet another great installment of good reads for Apple developers. With quite a lot of really interesting articles.

And that's it for this week. See you next Friday with another great pack of interesting articles!

Apple’s Swift Student Challenge 2024 is now live

Students now could apply for Swift Student Challenge at the dedicated site. Applications are open til February 25.

To be eligible for the Challenge, at the time you submit your app playground you must:

  • Be 13 years of age or older in the United States, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, 16 years of age in the European Union);*
  • Be registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or be a member of the Apple Developer Program; and
  • Fulfill one of the following requirements:
    • Be enrolled in an accredited academic institution or official homeschool equivalent;
    • Be enrolled in a STEM organization’s educational curriculum;
    • Be enrolled in an Apple Developer Academy; or
    • Have graduated from high school or equivalent within the past 6 months and be awaiting acceptance or have received acceptance to an accredited academic institution.

You can receive a Swift Student Challenge award up to four times.

Apple Developer

Apple Developer: Apply for the Swift Student Challenge now through February 25

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2024/6

It's Friday and that means that we have some great reads for this weekend.

And while we're here... Our podcast Apple Treats is starting new season on February 15 at 10am PT. We'll talk on how to become better developer with some help from Apple.


See you on the podcast and then – next Friday for more good reads.

Weekend good reads for Apple developers #2024/5

It's VP-day... Apple Vision Pro joins other Apple ecosystem devices. So, we'll need to bring our apps to a new platform. Let's see – what could we read over the weekend to improve our development skills.

And that is it for today. Let's play with Vision Pro and read great stuff. See you next week!