Flame 1.0.0 is released

Flame is a modular Flutter game engine that provides a complete set of solutions for games. Provides you with a simple implementation of the game cycle and the necessary functions that you may need in the game, like input, images, sprites, animation, collision detection, and a component system, which is called Flame Component System (abbreviated FCS).

Flutter 2.8 and Dart 2.15 released

News for flutter:

  • Flutter apps now more performant, use less memory and startups faster.
  • Performance testing are easier with new DartDevTools and profiling features
  • Casual game development with Flame v.1.0.0
  • It easier than ever to connect apps to back-end services(Firebase and Google Cloud)
  • Authentication with Firebase are much easier than before.
  • Major updates for flutter ecosystem(Like FlutterSVG, and etc)

News for Dart:

  • Fast concurrency with worker isolates
  • Constructor tear-offs
  • Improved enums in the dart:core library
  • Dart DevTools included in the Dart SDK
  • New pub features for package publishers
  • Compressed pointers (approximately 10% reduction of the Dart heap size)

What's new in flutter 2.8?

Announcing flutter 2.8

Announcing Dart 2.15

Flutter logo

Flutter SVG is in release now

Flutter SVG is the library that provides the ability to render SVG in Flutter

On December 4, 2021, Flutter SVG was updated to 1.0.0 and officially in a stable release.
List of changes in this library:

  • New widget/RenderObject implementation to avoid rebuilds/paints when near or overlapping an animating widget. Also should improve raster cacheability.
  • Correctly list web as a supported platform.
  • Support for em/ex units.
  • Stable 1.0.0 release.
